Summer Footwear – What are you waltzing around in?
It’s that time of year again, when we put away our jackets and boots in storage and pull out the swimsuits and flip-flops! We’ve waited all winter for this season and the warm weather is finally here! Not to be the cloud in anyone’s ray of sunshine, but beware of your footwear….
Throughout the summertime one of the most common injuries seen in the office is something called Plantar Fasciitis, more commonly known as pain in the foot or heel. This pain is usually most severe in the morning and many times can be caused by lack of support from your choice of footwear, most commonly flip flops and sandals.
How can you prevent this? Wearing supportive sandals, such as Birkenstock’s is helpful. Or simply wearing supportive shoes.
What do you do if this happens to you? Home remedies you can try include rolling a golf ball or tennis ball on the bottom of your foot, icing this area and stretching your calves. How does stretching your calves help your foot? Having tight calves will make you more likely to suffer from Plantar Fasciitis as this musculature attaches into the foot and can result in shortening of the tissue in this area.
What if these remedies do not work? Make an appointment with a health care practitioner that specializes in muscles and joints. An effective type of treatment includes a soft tissue therapy known as Active Release Techniques.
If you have any further questions please contact me at renacitron@hotmail.com.